
What I Eat in a Day | Density of Uranium
A lot of you have been asking about my diet. In this video, I describe my morning routine and explain why I love to eat gummy bears (roughly the size of ✨uranium pellets✨). I will also teach you about the density of uranium and why the waste it creates is tiny!

Nuclear Skincare & Makeup Tutorial | Shutting Down Nuclear Plants is Bad
A lot of you have been asking about my makeup routine. In this video, I share my skincare routine for dewy skin and a makeup look with gems. 💎 I also talk about why shutting down nuclear power plants is bad.

Oklo | The Natural Nuclear Reactor in Gabon, Africa
A long, long time ago, several natural nuclear reactors were discovered in uranium mines. In this video, I talk about Oklo, a region in Gabon, Africa that taught us what happens with nuclear waste. News just stays there.

How Does a Nuclear Reactor Work?
Nuclear energy is clean energy. In this video, I explain how a nuclear reactor works in less than a minute. Learn how nuclear fission releases energy to provide emissions-free electricity. 🌎

Save Diablo Canyon | California's Last Nuclear Power Plant
California's last nuclear power plant is scheduled to be shut down by 2024. That would be a huge mistake! When nuclear plants are shut down, they're replaced by fossil fuels. Shutting down Diablo Canyon means California will have less electricity, more air pollution and more emissions. We can and have to save Diablo Canyon!

Getting to 100% Clean Electricity by 2035
President Biden wants the United States to get to 100% clean electricity by 2035. In this video, I explain how we can achieve that by phasing out of fossil fuels and powering civilization with clean energy, which means keeping all of our existing nuclear plants open.

To Solve Climate Change | We Have to Decarbonize!
Most emissions come from cars, making electricity, manufacturing and even cow farts. In this video, I explain what we need to do to get our electricity from clean energy sources. 🌎

The Best ASMR Video
ASMR stands for A Small Modular Reactor. ⚡️ SMRs (Small Modular Reactors) are a whole new generation of nuclear reactors that are much smaller than the ones we currently have. In this video, I talk about how SMRs work and why they could be a solution to nuclear waste.